Executive Coaching
Move from Good to Exceptional
Executives are often functioning well, but not exceptionally, in the workplace, and seek coaching to reach their full potential. Using scientifically-supported psychological interventions and coaching strategies, Dr. Faulconbridge helps clients to deepen their understanding of their own strengths and weaknesses and to identify the factors preventing them from achieving greater success. Simultaneously, clients will learn to understand the personalities and motivations of their colleagues and how these characteristics influence their decisions and behaviors. Through this focus on developing advanced social intelligence skills, clients will become highly sophisticated in their interactions with others in the workplace. Dr. Faulconbridge enables clients to make subtle yet profound shifts in their behavior, resulting in improvements in their performance, and helping them stand out as leaders in their organization.
Restore Work-Life Balance
Many of today’s high-level positions are extremely demanding and require great personal sacrifice. Executives often feel forced to neglect their own health and wellness, to give up time with loved ones and friends, and to forgo any personal passions or relaxation time. It is not uncommon for clients to enter coaching at a high level of burnout. Clients will learn to manage stress and to navigate work-life balance by striving for greater efficiency at work, setting boundaries, and protecting time to nurture personal relationships. Addressing physical health and building sustainable self-care habits is a critical factor in enabling executives to function at an exceptional level over the long-term.
Why Dr. Faulconbridge?
Unique Training and Perspective
Dr. Faulconbridge’s unique and extensive training in neuroscience, clinical psychology and executive coaching enables her to bring cutting-edge, scientifically -supported techniques to her clients.
Experience Across a Range of Industries
Dr. Faulconbridge has coached individuals in a range of private-sector industries including private equity, management consulting, commercial real estate, law, executive recruiting, and health care. She has worked with professionals at all stages in their career, from senior executives in the C-Suite and those aspiring to be at the top of their industry.
Individualized Plan
The focus of work is different for everyone. Dr Faulconbridge will work with clients to help them identify what they need, set realistic goals and develop strategies to achieve them, and keep clients accountable to their plan.
Often Coaches hired by large organizations report directly to a person’s boss or another executive at the company, leaving professionals unsure of how much they can safely disclose to their Coach. Dr. Faulconbridge will only work under conditions of strict confidentiality so that clients have the freedom to be fully open and completely themselves.
Areas of Focus
Heighten social intelligence
Advance interpersonal skills, including communication skills, assertiveness training, and social perception skills
Successfully navigate difficult/conflictual relationships with bosses, peers or subordinates
Deepen understanding of how previous experiences have shaped internal and external reactions to others
Enhance awareness of how clients are perceived and experienced by others in the workplace.
Master emotion regulation
Improved efficiency in the workplace, including organization, time management, and delegation skills
Stress Management
Restoration of work-life balance